
You spawn in an empty tile devoid of all monsters. When ready each player pays an action point to spawn a tile. Once the tile is spawned the leader of the group (or the one with the laptop) describes the buildings and vehicles to the players. Do not reveal what is inside the buildings or vehicles just the name and size of building. At this point players with scouting have the chance to sneak into a building:

  1. If sneak is successful players get to know what is in the building.

  2. If sneak is critically successful go ahead and steal an item as well.

If players choose to enter the building pay 1 AP each to break in. Monsters of 1 type all attack together people entering the building. Each player pays an action point and rolls for damage to target monster. Once all players have rolled one player rolls for damage from monster. Rolling player is dealt that damage:

  1. Special note Remember to have fun. If something bad is going to happen. Feel free to jump in front of the monster and take the damage yourself.

Rinse and repeat until the monster is dead or you are:

  1. If the monster dies go ahead and split the XP among attackers.

  2. If player dies they pass out on the floor. More on this later.

Once all monsters have been cleared from building:

  1. Pay an AP to loot building. The player that pays gets to dole out the loot or keep it all.

  2. Feel free to sleep in the empty building.

If enemies are still alive on the tile lose 20 HP and 1 AP for sleeping in shifts:

  1. If the tile is empty you sleep well. Good chance to get crafting done.

If all players are passed out the monsters lose interest. You wake back up in the spawn point regenerated:

  1. For a harder experience feel free to roll to see if you keep your current inventory.


    Upon entering a structure: Draw the number of monster cards necessary to fill the building. Since all monsters are territorial they attack immediately.
    If your health reaches 0% you lose your current equipment & faint until someone comes to rescue you.

    Roll 1 D20 for each combat action taking place:
    15 - 20 Critical Success
    Not only did you complete your task, but it cost you NO action points.

    10 - 14 Successful
    Your task is completed.
    Success means your weapon is restored & your turn ends.

    5 - 9 Failure
    You have failed in your task.
    Failure means your weapon breaks!

    1 - 4 Critical Failure
    Not only did you fail your task, but it cost you something
    Whether that be: an item, xp, action points, health, etc...

    On Critical Failures:
    When carrying a ranged weapon -- it jams
    When carrying a melee weapon -- it gets stuck.
    In either case, roll again.

  • Action Points:

  • Strength
    Melee Weapons

    Shooting, Range Weapons

    Gathering resources
    Every 2 stat points is an additional resource of your choice per building cleared must be done as an action.

    Your crafting level must match item level to be able to make.
    On critical success crafting consumed 0 resources.
    On critical failure destroy all resources.

    Increases number of action points for use each day.
    Every 2 skill points is 1 extra action point per day

    The ability to break down an item into it's cooresponding materials.
    Every 2 skill points is 1 material to salvage from an item

    The ability to sneak a peek into buildings.
    Level 3
    Able to scout Small Building

    Level 7
    Able to scout Medium Building

    Level 10
    Able to scout Large Building


    Experience Points
    Even split of xp between attackers unless 1st attacker kills creature all xp goes to that player.
    For each level gained, that level amount of skill points:
    1 - 2:  200xp

    2 - 3:  300xp

    3 - 4:  400xp

    4 - 5:  500xp

    5 - 6:  600xp

    6 - 7:  700xp

    7 - 8:  800xp

    8 - 9:  900xp

    9 - 10:  1000xp

    Level 1:  100 health

    Level 2:  120 health

    Level 3:  140 health

    Level 4:  160 health

    Level 5:  180 health

    Level 6:  200 health

    Level 7:  220 health

    Level 8:  240 health

    Level 9:  260 health

    Level 10:  280 health

    1. Each player starts with 10 stat points to spread into any category skill they wish. Every level put that number of stat points into your stats.
    2. EXAMPLE: Level 2 gives you 2 stat points to place. Level 3 is a 3 point gain. And so on...